2012年7月16日 星期一

Conference: UK Insect Genomics

This is a first announcement and call for speakers for a Royal Entomological Society Special Interest Group on Insect Genomics, to be held on Monday 26th November 2012 at St John's College Cambridge. The goal is to bring together both genomics practitioners and those who are just starting out or planning to use genomics techniques in Entomology. Invited speakers will be Mark Blaxter (The GenePool, Edinburgh), Dan Lawson, (European Bioinformatics Institute and i5k initiative) and Lin Field (Rothampstead Research). We hope to cover a range of topics including new technologies, bioinformatic challenges and specific projects across entomology that involve genomic techniques.

We encourage participants to join the Royal Entomological Society, although membership is certainly not a prerequisite for attendance. There will be a small charge for attendance (~£10).

Please put the date in your diary, and contact Nicola Nadeau <njn27@cam.ac.uk> if you would a) like to contribute a talk please submit a title and short abstract or b) plan to attend.

Chris Jiggins and Nicola Nadeau