2013年4月7日 星期日

XVIth European Carabidologists Meeting(齊心會友提供)

We would like to cordially invite you to attend the XVIth European Carabidologists meeting.
The decision was made during the XVth European Carabidologists Meeting in Daugavpils, Latvia, August 2011 that in two years the organization will move to the Czech Republic for the first time. We are pleased to announce that the XVIth European Carabidologists Meeting will take place in September 22-27, 2013 in Prague, Czech Republic, jointly organized by specialists from Crop Research Institute (Prague), Czech University of Life Sciences (Prague) and Administration of the České Středohoří Landscape Protected Area (Litoměřice). We are proud that the meeting will be organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic.

