2014年4月3日 星期四

International Branch Entomological Society of America 2014 Annual Meeting(楊曼妙監事提供)

International Branch
Entomological Society of America
2014 Annual Meeting

Again - Call for Posters

Please check for more details and deadlines www.ECE2014.com

As you had been informed that, the International Branch has been approved to participate in the Xth (10th) European Congress of Entomology (ECE 2014) Hosted by the Royal Entomological Society, University of York, York, YO10 5DD, UK, 3-8 August 2014.
The ECE 2014 Organizational Committee has decided to extend the deadline for poster submissions until 30 April 2014 as a considerable number of poster abstracts have still trickled in since 31 January 2014.
Please send your poster abstract to Klaus Reinhardt (klaus@royensoc.co.uk)
We are looking for more posters of the two IB sessions:

1.  Managing Rhynchophorus ferrugineus: A global Challenge 
Aziz Ajlan, Khalid Alhudaib, Jose Romeno Faleiro

2. IPM: A challenge strategy on invasive insect species 

All the best ... Aziz Ajlan

2014 President ESA's International Branch
